Saturday, January 29, 2011


We have had a ton of snow this year. Yesterday we had about 6 inches fall in about 4 hours. Our house looks like it is buried now, with snow up to the bottom or the picture window and drifts as tall as I am, which the boys would say isn't all that tall then. LOL!
Even with all the snow Ballou still has fun outside!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I am still in shock and can't stop smiling. Ken and Shavon are expecting and I get to be a grandmother. I have decided I would like to be called Gran, just as my maternal grandmother was Gran for my siblings and myself.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Crazy Dog

I was playing on YouTube, and played a Schipperke video. Ballou went nuts. She tried to dig under the laptop and sniffed all over the keyboard and behind the laptop, desperate to find the crying Schipperke. For about 5 minutes after it was over she continued to try to find the dog on the computer.